Hello List!

Question #1.
I'd like to know if and how I can replace gcc in Tizen SDK (or the
Scratchbox) with clang/llvm.

Are there any documentation about this?

Or if it is not possible or too much difficult, I'd like to
use(execute) the
outside of the Scratchbox.

I tried this, I mean, I just tried calling
outside of the Scratchbox and received an error message below.

"libbfd-2.20.1-system.20100303.so: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory"

This means that LD_LIBRARY_PATH has to be set. The problem is setting
of it would make problem because it would affect side effect to whole
Ubuntubox I use due to the library version conflict between the one in
the Scratchbox and the other in the Ubuntubox I am on.

Question #2.
Are there any special magic method to call (execute) the binary in the
Scratchbox outside of the Scratchbox?

Question #3.
How can I upgrade the C library and C++ library in the Scratchbox?
My `apt-get install` for those libraries returns there is no later
versions than the current installed ones. But They are pretty old

Thank you very much.
Best regards
Journeyer J. Joh

Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l  d o t  c o m
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