On 25/10/2014 01:02, Ashiq Nazir wrote:


I spoke with the Tizen Association a while ago about FOSDEM and I've hopefully sold them on the idea that evangelising open source Tizen at the FOSDEM event is a good idea.

I can represent Tizen Association at the event, and am able to help man the stand as previously discussed.

great !

since eurogiciel is part of association I can probably be able to but as only as TA member

Would it be better to get a larger stand in a prominent position and have more assisting? I think Tomasz mentioned he could also assist.

usually EFL community has his own in the desktop building too
but tizen suits more in the embedded one which is 10min walk away
we should not overlap

I welcome your thoughts and ask who else can assist with the booth?

maybe it would help to know how many tizen pple are supposed to come too

My bigest concern on this project,
is there enough community material to attract curious developers
and how to deal with actual tizen products ?
maybe marketing people can help on this ?

Anyway this must be started someday ...


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