On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 10:16 AM, Leon Anavi <leon.an...@konsulko.com> wrote:

> Hi Olivier,
> On 5.11.2015 11:04, Olivier Nyssen wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> The Tizen project should join the effort imho
I agrea w/ Olivier, this project deserve support, and the team behind it is
really nice.

> http://www.matrix.org/
> I attended demos and presentations about Matrix during FOSDEM 2015. it is
> indeed an interesting project.

I am sure we'll met them again next year

> it should possible to create a separate Yocto/OE layer for it and
> integrate it into the existing Tizen distribution.
> Yes this should be doable

FYI, I recently experienced it on one cheapest ARM devboard Odroid C1 (deb
based linux)
and it worked fine (on a small group of users at least) ,
I can share more feedback if curious.

Also if you want to enter the matrix ,
I invite you to use your webbrowser to join our tizen IRC channel gateway
at :


This is also a solution for people with restricted access to internet (GFW)

IMHO, 1st prirority would be to port existing WebClient to TizenStore
.. any angular or react fans out there ?

Also note that it can provide WebRTC (if browsers support it of course ;) )
it's a great alternative to closed videoconferencing solutions.


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