On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Mark Miller <markrmil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm only for the merge with aligned releases - its the only way Solr can
> really stay on Lucene trunk happily. Aligned releases are also my biggest
> worry (and part of why I initially leaned against such a merge), but without
> it, there goes all of the larger reasons I'm into the merge now - Solr can
> be on trunk and we can have better sharing / less duplication between the
> projects - which I personally think requires Solr being on Lucene trunk - or
> it won't really work at all. And Solr being on trunk really needs aligned
> releases

Correct - I believe most who agreed with a merge essentially agreed on
all the points about what a merge meant.  Merged dev list, committers,
and releases.  Maintain separate downloads, user lists.

 I wanted to avoid the lawyers... if we need to hammer out all the
little things that aren't as important (sync release numbers, etc)
discussion will be endless and we'll never get anywhere.


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