You have to reindex directory index where 
you have PDF files:

indexer -am -u http://servername/paht/to/pdf/list/

Also use -v6 indexer argument. It will give an
information why it accepts or rejects links.

Robert Goff wrote:
> I'm unable to get the indexer to scan *.pdf files.  I've removed the
> *.pdf argument from the disallow statement in indexer.conf, and I've
> added an external parser:
> Mime "application/pdf"  "text/plain"         "/usr/local/bin/pdftotext
> $1 -"
> I've confirmed:
> -pdftotext works on a command line
> -the pdf file extension is mapped to application/pdf in the apache
> mime.types file
> -the server will deliver the pdf files
> -the indexer is reading the right conf file.
> The indexer lists the directories containing the pdf files as it runs,
> and it scans subdirectories and txt files within them, but not the pdf
> files.  I can't figure out what else I need to do to get the indexer to
> scan my .pdf files.
> I'm using version 3.1.17.  I'd appreciate any suggestions.  Thanks.
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