> This is still a little rough, but I was hoping it would make sense to
> someone else who might help start making the appropriate Ant code to do
> it...  8-)
> As a first step towards using xml-commons sources in other xml.apache.org
> projects, here's a proposal that optionally uses the sources from
> xml-commons in your builds.  Xalan and Crimson have already implemented
> somewhat similar schemes but I'd like to go a step further.

After more consideration, I think I've changed my mind on this issue. 
Right now crimson automatically copies code from xml-commons whenever
crimson is built.  So it has a dependency on the xml-commons module to
build.  Now I think it's probably better to have a separate copy of the
code in each project and then sync the code at specific points.  Special
"sync" targets can be added to an Ant build file to make it easier.  So
I'd like to change the crimson build to do this, but I haven't gotten
around to it yet.


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