Apache Cocoon 2.1.7 Released

  The Apache Cocoon Community is proud to announce the new release
  of Apache Cocoon. This release is licensed under the Apache License,
  Version 2.0, and builds/run under JDK 5.0.

  Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concept
  of separation of concerns (that is: allowing people to do their job
  without having to step on each other toes) and component-oriented web

  Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of 'component
  pipelines' modelled after the 'process chain' concept where each
  worker specializes on a particular operation. This makes it possible
  to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in building web solutions where
  these components can be hooked together into pipelines without
  requiring further programming.

  We like to think at Cocoon as "web glue" for your web application
  development needs. But most important, a glue that can keep
  concerns separate and allow parallel evolution of the two sides,
  improving development pace and reducing the chance of conflicts.

  The latest version is downloadable from
  (Please use the mirrors to download the release - it might take
  a little bit more time until the latest release is available on
  all mirrors, so give the mirrors some time - approx. 24h to update.)

  For more information about Apache Cocoon 2.1.7, please go to

The Apache Cocoon Project


Carsten Ziegeler
Open Source Group, S&N AG

Changes with Apache Cocoon 2.1.7

*) Updated hsqldb to [AG]

*) Fix caching of i18n bundles with expires validities. [VG]

*) Implemented error handling for the internal requests. Error handling for the 
internal requests configured using when attribute on the handle-errors element. 
Supported values are: external: This error handler should be used only on 
external requests (default); internal: This error handler should be used only 
on internal requests; always: This error handler can be used for all requests. 
Currently, if internal error handling is enabled, only inner most error handler 
will be used for errors which happened during internal pipeline processing. [VG]

*) Sitemap now properly throws ResourceNotFound exception for not matched 
requests even if last pipeline marked as an internal pipeline. [VG]

*) Sitemap handle-errors now reports an error if generator is missing, or if 
type attribute (deprecated) specified and generator is present. [VG]

*) Updated quartz to 1.4.5, jcs to 1.2.5-dev-20050313. [AG]

*) Refactored the Deprecation class: the "forbidden-deprecation-level" 
parameter in web.xml allows to raise deprecation exceptions depending on the 
log level. For example, DEBUG allows no deprecations (strict mode), and 
FATAL_ERROR allows all (tolerant mode). Default is ERROR, allowing messages up 
to WARN. [SW]

*) A flowscript's file encoding can now be specified by a comment on the 
script's very first line, in the form "// encoding = xxxx". Otherwise, the 
default platform encoding is used. [SW]

*) Added QueryBean as a standalone block, copied over from 2.2.0. Removed the 
original from the Lucene Block. Stores Favourites using OJB in HSQLDB. [JQ]

*) CForms: separate FormattingDateConvertor that uses 
java.text.SimpleDateFormat and Icu4jDateFormatter that uses ICU4J. There was 
previously an automatic switch to ICU4J if the library was present in the 
classpath, which sometimes caused some strange results are it behaves a bit 
differently. [SW]

*) Tour block: fix "shapes" sample using if/else in flowscript instead of 
switch. [BD]

*) Build: Added exclude.all.blocks and include.all.blocks properties to quickly 
toggle all blocks on or off. [VG]

*) Updated antlr to 2.7.5, groovy to 1.0-beta-10, jetty to 4.2.23 [AG]

*) OJB Block: Marked as stable. [VG]

*) Make Cocoon compilable and buildable using JDK 5.0. [all]

*) Remove scratchpad block - the scratchpad area is only available in trunk. 

*) Deprecated Pizza compiler support in XSP. To be removed in Cocoon 2.2. [AG]

*) CForms: JavaSelectionList implementations can now be Contextualizable and 
can build SelectionLists with XMLizable labels. [VG]

*) Change the mime-type setting of a reader. See also bug #25121. [CZ]

*) Fix thread safety problem in JXTemplateGenerator.setup() concerning template 
script reparsing. [LG]

*) Polish i18n for CForms. [LG]

*) OJB Block: Renamed JdoPMF component to JDO, OdmgImplementation to ODMG, and 
removed PBFactory component - please use OJB PersistenceFactory API directly. 

*) Runnable Manager: Fix bug preventing scheduling of two different jobs at the 
same time. [VG]

*) Many changes in CForms block. Widgets: add Widget.getDefinition() to access 
the definition that was used to create the widget. make widget definitions 
immutable once setup. This is necessary with the previous change as a 
definition is shared by all of the widgets it creates and modifying it could 
lead to weird behaviors. new "output" widget state, where values are displayed 
but not read on the request. The difference with "disabled" is that "output" 
widgets are displayed as plain text and not as disabled inputs. add on-create 
event listeners that are called when a widget is created. deprecate "struct" in 
favor of "group" in definition, template and binding. More work is needed on 
the relation between ft:group and fi:group provided by forms-page-styling.xsl 
Field: a field's selection list can be removed by setting it to null. This 
previously re-installed the widget definition's selection list. a field can 
have an optional initial value defined using <initial-value 
locale="...">...</initial-value>. The "locale" attribute is used to convert the 
value text into an object as defined by the datatype's convertor. This feature 
is also available on AggregateField and BooleanField (for which locale is 
useless). Form.js : the argument of new Form(...) can now be either a String or 
a DOM Element. Accepting an Element allows the use of any kind of dynamic 
process to build the form definition. Form.showForm() now uses a single 
continuation, which saves memory and speeds up processing by shortening the 
continuation chain when the user has a long interaction with the form. "ttl" 
parameter added to Form.showForm(), which has the same meaning as for 
cocoon.sendPageAndWait(). new "cleanupHook" property on Form: this is a 
function that is called each time the form is displayed. This is similar to the 
"fun" parameter of cocoon.sendPageAndWait(). new "restoreHook" property on 
Form: this is a function that is called each time the continuation is called 
back, to restore if needed the execution environment before processing the 
request. Actions: the "action-command" attribute is deprecated and replaced by 
"command" which is now optional, except on repeater-action and row-action where 
it indicates what to do. new "insert-rows" repeater-action that insert new rows 
before the selected rows in a repeater Styling: styling "output" is deprecated 
and will be removed in 2.1.8. The "output" widget state should be used instead. 

*) Added best-fit-while-keeping-aspect-ratio option to the ImageReader [TC]

*) Resource Reader: Make sure response is cacheable when expires parameter is 
not set. [VG]

*) Mail Block: Add support for replyTo. [VG]

*) CocoonBean can now process a URL to a SAX ContentHandler (skipping the 
serialiser), via cocoon.process(uri, handler). [UV]

*) OJB Block: Integrated OJB logging with Cocoon logging. [VG]

*) Add a deprecation logger that gives hint about used deprecated stuff. [CZ]

*) Updated commons-transaction to 1.0.1, castor to 0.9.6, groovy to beta-9, 
quartz to 1.4.4. [AG]

*) Remove restrictions on the flowscript object model (FOM): the objects 
available through the cocoon object (request, session, response, etc) now 
provide the full API of the corresponding Java classes. [SW]

*) CForms: forms generator and template transformer now use the same object 
model as the JXTG: access to objects have to use the "cocoon" object, like 
"cocoon/continuation/id". [CZ]

*) hsqldb: make name and path of database parameterizable - this way the 
database can be located outside of Cocoon [RP]

*) Apply patch for a better exception handling in the Meta-InputModule when an 
input module is not found. [CZ]

*) Fixed caching of i18n bundles when using multiple locations. [JH]

*) Fix handling of environment context when returning from a pass-through 
sitemap mount. [SW]

*) Portal Block: Add portal tools framework contribution. [CZ]

*) Build system: External blocks can be built together with Cocoon.  [CZ]

*) Refreshing a page with a JSR-168 portlet in it could cause unexpected 
results. JSR-168 urls can now be configured to contain the data required to 
generated the required events. [RG]

*) Add <compiler-compliance-level> parameter for java XSP compiler. This new 
parameter allow to specify the java code source version used to compile the XSP 
code. It is useful to run cocoon using java 1.5 while using source code for 
1.4. Posible values: 1.3 = Java version 1.3 1.4 = Java version 1.4 1.5 = Java 
version 1.5 auto = The version of the JVM where cocoon is running. (Default 
value). NOTE: The parameter is optional to keep backward compatibility. The 
parameter currently works only with Sun Javac compiler. The eclipse compiler 
version 3.0.1 currently does not support java 1.5. The pizza compiler does not 
support java 1.5. [AG]

*) PageLabel url's were not properly encoded. [RG]

*) Updated quartz to 1.4.3, nekodtd to 0.1.11, nekohtml to 0.9.4 castor to, commons-digester to 1.6, groovy to 1.0-beta-8, asm to 1.5.2 and 
asm-util to 1.5.2. [AG]

*) Added commons-transaction 1.0 and commons-codec 1.3. Both are needed by 
slide 2.1. [AG]

*) Updated jakarta-slide-webdavlib to 2.1, jdom to 1.0, slide-kernel to 2.1, 
slide-stores to 2.1, slide-webdavservlet to 2.1. [AG]

*) Portal now allows Cocoon to be deployed as a war (only supports local 
JSR-168 portlets) and allows external portlets to be in a war. [RG]

*) CForms: the parser used to read form files now uses the EntityResolver 
defined in cocoon.xconf. [SW]

*) Tiny typo in AbstractTextSerializer [AG]

*) Modified PortletURLProviderImpl.toString() to create a copy of itself and 
register that with the event. [RG]

*) ContinuationsManager default implementation can now store continuations in 
user session. Continuations are not available outside user session and 
invalidated automatically when session gets invalidated by servlet container. 
This is a good security option for web applications. [LG]

*) Update Deli to x031104 (include over 300 vendor, operator and third party 
profiles) [AG]

*) Updated hsqldb to 1.7.3, lucene to 1.4.3, ehcache to 1.1, log4j to 1.2.9. 

*) Paranoid: make the classloader implementation configurable [TC]

*) Typo on the date-selector doc. [AG]

*) xml2html.xslt does not work on IE. [AG]

*) Portal: attributes "javax.portlet.request" and "javax.portlet.response" were 
not set for JSR-168 portlets running in the Cocoon webapp. [RG]

*) CForms: added HTMLCleaning convertor (taken from Outerthought's Daisy) that 
cleans up the result by HTMLArea fields. The cleanup process, that is based 
upon Nekohtml can be configured. One confiugration is available at 
 and guarantees valid XHTML Example: <fd:datatype base="string"> <fd:convertor 
 </fd:datatype> [RP]

*) CForms: 'htmlarea' fields can be directly configured in cForms templates 
Example configuration (within the <conf> part the variable conf contains the 
configuration object of HTMLArea <fi:styling type="htmlarea" rows="8" 
style="width:100%"> <conf> conf.statusBar = false; conf.sizeIncludesToolbar = 
false; conf.fullPage = false; conf.toolbar = [ [ "bold", "italic", "separator", 
"subscript", "superscript", "separator", "insertorderedlist", 
"insertunorderedlist", "outdent", "indent", "separator", 
"inserthorizontalrule", "separator", "copy", "cut", "paste", "space", "undo", 
"redo", "separator", "showhelp"] ]; </conf> </fi:styling> [RP]

*) CForms: fields styled as 'htmlarea' can be used in tables (workaround for 
strange IE behaviour) [RP]

*) CForms: add a new "link" styling for action widgets, that renders the action 
as an hypertext link. [SW]

*) DateInputModule now accepts date format string when specified in a sitemap. 

*) Portal: Added support for storing JSR-168 Portlet preferences. [RG]

*) Batik block: Fixed handling for empty extract URIs when matching on null 
namespace URIs. [JH]

*) Allow attribute values to be matches as well for EncodeURLTransformer. [GP]

*) Multipart requests: use container encoding for decoding requests, in order 
to have consistent handling between normal requests and multipart requests. 

*) I18n (ParamSaxBuffer): handle case where substitution params like {0} are 
split over multiple character events. [BRD]

*) Fix: Continuation can only be invoked for the interpreter it was originally 
created for. [LG]

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