Le 6 août 05, à 10:28, THUFIR HAWAT a écrit :

...Where does Xalan fit into this? Xalan is an XLST processor, but what
does that really mean?  Xalan is the "engine" which does the actual
transform from HTML to XML, based on what the XSLT form specifies?..

No, you'll use JTidy or Neko to go from HTML to XML. But the generated XML often needs filtering, that's where Xalan could help: using an XSLT transform to cleanup the parsed XML.

If you have to use XSLT transforms, they can also be used to populate your java objects, by giving a context object to the XSLT transform, see http://www.webweavertech.com/ovidiu/weblog/archives/000255.html


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