
the JaxMe team announces the availability of JaxMe 0.5.1. This is a bug
fix release with no major changes, except that preliminary support for
external schema bindings has been added. Details can be found below.

Jochen Wiedmann

JaxMe Core:
        The ChoiceHandlerSG did not treat a choice
        with minOccurs="0" as optional. (JAXME-65)

        The source distribution did not contain the necessary
        build scripts. (JAXME-67, Boris Gruschke,
        <boris at gruschke.de>)

        It wasn't possible to set the properties JAXME_FORMAT_*.
        David Gilliland <dgilliland62 at users.sourceforge.net>

        The generated marshallers didn't honor the JAXME_FORMAT_*.

        The namespace of a simple type xs:QName wasn't necessarily
        declared by the marshaller. (JAXME-72, Andreas ArrgÄrd,
        andreas.arrgard at octagroup.com)

        The "indexed" collection type didn't handle strings properly.
        (Ricardo Brito da Rocha, ricardo.rocha at cern.ch)

        Added the BeanSchemaWriter, which converts a Java bean
        into an XML schema.

        The separation between "Java source files" and "resource
        files" is now supported. This is typically required by
        projects, which are following the Maven directory layout.
        The XJC Ant task and the Main frontent both have a new
        option "resourceTarget".

        Added support for external binding files, based on a
        suggestion from Ortwin Glueck (oglueck at apache.org).

        Fixed an NPE in the DTDParser. (JAXME-79)

        Added several methods for modifying and querying the
        methods signature.
                (Frederic Ahring, fahring at de.ibm.com)

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