I'm having a problem with the following...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE vxml SYSTEM "voicexml1-0.dtd" [
        <!ENTITY % BigEntity SYSTEM "BigEntity.ent">
<vxml version="1.0">
        <form id="init">

BigEntity.ent looks something like this...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ENTITY BigEntity '
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>

When internalEntityDecl(String name, XMLString text, XMLString nonNormalizedText, Augmentations augs) gets called, both the text.toString() and nonNormalizedText.toString() contain the fully expanded contents of the entity (a bunch of <prompt>another prompt</prompt> entries). After I build this into a DOM and serialize it, it looks like...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE vxml SYSTEM "voicexml1-0.dtd"
<!ENTITY %BigEntity SYSTEM "BigEntity.ent">
<!ENTITY BigEntity "
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>
                <prompt>another prompt</prompt>

<vxml version="1.0"><form id="init"><block>&BigEntity;</block></form></vxml>

Why are the contents expanded? Why not just give me "%BigEntity;" from the original document? Is there any recourse?

A second problem is that reparsing this file gives me the following parsing error...

test9.gen.xml:4: Error: White space is required after "<!ENTITY" in the entity declaration.

The parse error seems to be with the external entity declaration "%BigEntity". If I change that to "% BigEntity", the parse error goes away. But, the "name" parameter passed to me in the externalEntityDecl() method is exactly "%BigEntity". If the parser knows it can't deal with that, why doesn't it pass me "% BigEntity"? Seems odd that I'd be forced to split the "%" apart from the rest of the entiy name manually.



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