Mark Knecht <> skribis:
>    In my case I've been slowly converting my machine back to nearly
> 100% stable. I don't need anything more than that in my daily work
> these days and would greatly prefer fewer updates. In the old days
> when I ran a lot of Gentoo pro-audio overlay stuff I stay to stay
> leading edge all the time but these days I don't do that and life
> should be easier.

A few years ago I proved it is possible to go from ~amd64 to amd64 but
often I bump something to ~amd64 to overcome problems.

(For instance it turned out libav was being pulled in because the
~amd64 version of ffmpeg I had allowed was no longer in portage. I had
to bump the version.)

>    I was thinking back about my 32-bit usage when I built the machine.
> In those days (and it's likely still true) to run Windows VST plugins
> you had to have 32-bit support. I was doing a lot of software synth
> stuff a decade ago and suspect that was my main need in that area. I
> don't intentionally use 32-bit for anything so likely I don't need it
> at all as per Frank's comment but I also didn't feel like I really
> wanted to deal with that right now.

The processor is made to handle 32-bit so better to have it than not,
from my point of view. (The whole multilib thing might have gone
smoothly years ago, and with nomultilib a trivial difference, if we
merely had had the sense to stick with Gentoo’s original filesystem
layout for libraries. But this is my view in retrospect. We sometimes
pay a big price for following the leads of other distros.)

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