Well with stable versions of the 2 xf86 packages xorg-server & ati-drivers
X does not start saying fglrx module is not found.

I modprobe fglrx & tried again with same error. Sorry can't send actual
errors as can't load email, stuck in console mode.

On 6 Oct 2016 3:57 pm, "Daiajo Tibdixious" <dai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Doing this on phone as chromium update still going (in console mode).
> Ati-drivers-15.12-r1 requires xorg-server-1.17.4 or less, yet world update
> insists on pulling in xorg-server-1.8 which then pulls in masked versions
> of xf86-input-evdev & xf86-video-ati & and the emerge dies because the 2
> versions of xorg-server can't co-exist.
> I want ati-drivers as my led screen does not look good with basic radeon
> driver.
> I am wondering why masked versions are being pulled in as nothing in
> package.accept_keywords nor package.unmask
> In world I just have xorg-x11 meta package. I'm wondering if I should
> replace that with specific packages. The ebuild does not suggest its
> pulling in the 1.8 version, but I may be miss-reading it.
> I have manually installed the latest stable versions of the affected
> packages & expect it to work.

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