There shouldn't be an rsh process running. xinetd starts it when a user connects.

The best way to troubleshoot xinetd problems is to start xinetd in debugging mode.

xinetd -d

If you see that the servive started then you can do a netstat -ap and look for the service name in there (shell/login/exec for rsh/rlogin/ rexec). Once there you should be good to go =)

On May 17, 2006, at 1:35 PM, Jared Greenwald wrote:

I'm looking for some help in setting up netkit rsh.

Please no comments about how rsh in unsecure and all that = I know
that, but I need rsh specifically to hook into a tool that my IT
department uses for backups.

So, I've got netkit-rsh and xinetd installed.

In the /etc/xinetd.d/rsh file I've changed the following from:

disable yes


disable no

Then I restarted xinetd.  At this point there is an xinetd process,
but no rsh (rshd or in.rsh) process running.

A quick look in the log shows that one xinetd service has started:

May 17 13:47:21 neserv-1 xinetd[7141]: xinetd Version 2.3.13 started
with libwrap loadavg options compiled in.
May 17 13:47:21 neserv-1 xinetd[7141]: Started working: 1 available service

So, the question is - what am I missing?

Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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