On 1/31/07, Brian D. Ropers-Huilman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your comment on needing to "store *a lot* of data (like 50TB max)" is very
relative. For sites like ours and many others, *a lot* of data means 100's
of PB. :)

As to your questions RE: GlusterFS, this announcement has also recently
the rounds on the beowulf mailing list though there has not been too much
conversation about it. Being new, nobody has tried it as of yet, as such
there are not many comparative studies (if any) out there.

My thinking exactly, it's very easy to say it does a lot of things.

What they claim to be able to do is quite nice. But then again, many vendors
and other FOSS cluster file systems have made such claims in the past.
time will tell.

The only real thing I can offer is that I will be watching this very
which might lend some credence to Gluster as a potential solution.

I'll see if I can test it here at my work somewhen between now and the next
3 weeks. I would like to see how failsafe it really is. As soon as I have
the results I'll post it here.

Brian D. Ropers-Huilman, Director
Systems Administration and Technical Operations    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Supercomputing Institute for Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation
599 Walter Library                                   +1 612-626-5948 (V)
117 Pleasant Street S.E.                             +1 612-624-8861 (F)
University of Minnesota                               Twin Cities Campus
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0255                       http://www.msi.umn.edu/
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