
I run my own portage rsync server with ebuilds I wrote (this for my company) and I have a couple of questions.

I recently updated portage and noticed there is a metadata directory now that has a cache and timestamps.

1. Is there a simple way to update these timestamps when I change the portage tree? I mean other than edit the three files (yes, I am lazy).

2. Do I need to run `emerge regen` when I update the portage tree on the rsync server?

3. I get an error the first time I emerge something and I think it may have something to do with this cache. Here is the jist of the error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# emerge Date-Calc
Calculating dependencies ...done!
>>> emerge (1 of 1) dev-perl/Date-Calc-5.3 to /
>>> Recording dev-perl/Date-Calc in "world" favorites file...

--- Couldn't find dev-perl/Date-Calc to clean.

>>> clean: No packages selected for removal.

>>> Auto-cleaning packages ...
Lockfile removed: /var/db/pkg/dev-perl/Date-Calc-5.3.portage_lockfile
INCOMPLETE MERGE: /var/db/pkg/dev-perl/-MERGING-Date-Calc-5.3
Lockfile removed: /var/db/pkg/dev-perl/-MERGING-Date-Calc-5.3.portage_lockfile
Lockfile removed: /var/db/pkg/dev-perl/Date-Calc-5.3.portage_lockfile
Lockfile removed: /var/db/pkg/dev-perl/Date-Calc-5.3.portage_lockfile
Lockfile removed: /var/db/pkg/dev-perl/Date-Calc-5.3.portage_lockfile
... lots more Lockfile removed output...
>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.

* GNU info directory index is up-to-date.


I get this the first time I emerge something that is not already on the system and the first time I unmerge something. I do not get this on my personal system (also gentoo) so I assume it is something I am doing wrong managing the portage rsync server.. I did not have the errors until I updated portage.

-- -- Jason Rhinelander -- Gossamer Threads, Inc.

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