Hello Randy

On Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 11:37:25AM -0500, Randy Barlow wrote:
> OK - now I'm really baffled - I've tried again but this time I used
> genkernel.  However, even the genkerneled kernel can't seem to detect my
> hard drive!  This time I was allowed to drop to a shell and the only hd*
> was hda, my cdrom.

Can you please post the kernel output, which you gather using
netconsole, on an http server? I guess your kernel is missing some
option, but I'm not sure which. Did you only check /dev/hd* or also what
dmesg said?

> The thing that's killing me is that the gentoo boot cd is obviously
> able to do it, and I even copied the config from that cd over as per
> the genkernel instructions, still to no avail.

You copied the actually running config from /proc/config.gz?


Gentoo Linux developer, http://hansmi.ch/, http://forkbomb.ch/

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