On 10/11/15 02:38, Justin Lecher (jlec) wrote:
Hash: SHA512

On 10/10/15 12:42, François Bissey wrote:
I am annoyed by the tree in that regard. A simple user doesn’t have
access to the changelog anymore because the git history is not
shipped as far as I can see.

The overlay would be a bit better because we can still call git log
on it.

Any tools out there to get changelog without syncing the tree with



the ChangeLogs are recreated for rsync. If you are using rsync as
normal users should do, you will have the ChangeLog in place.
egencache --update-changelogs is used for that.

Sorry to take so long, it's been very busy around here.
Well it looks like I am not set to do that my Changelog
files are frozen from before the change to git.


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