
I've decided to give cyrus/postfix a try (at the moment I'm using 
qmail/vpopmail/courier). while trying to copy my email from the current 
server to the testing one via kmail, it rejected many emails because of 
invalid headers. searching google I found that the problem is in the "From" 
header which doesn't have a ":" after it. I also found that this problem 
happens when transferring mail through 'deliver'. 

When searching for a solution I found a few not very elegant ones (piping the 
message through procmail/sed), and a broken link to a patch...
so I was wondering how do you deal with the problem. is there a better 
solution (does piping the message through amavisd fix the headers?)? also, 
how do I transfer the messages I have in maildir format (I couldn't find any 
conversion utility, and transferring through a client doesn't copy a third of 
the emails because of invalid headers).


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