It seems that on 2005.0 install, I can't have the 3 of these together
like I did when I was running on 2004.3. 

The difference is the usage of devpts vs udev.

Since 2005.0 is udev, to get gen/fbsplash to work, I need to pass
vga=7xx to the kernel command line.

video=vesafb:ywrap,[EMAIL PROTECTED] splash=silent,theme:livecd-2005.0

doesn't seem to have any effect at all. I've tried both vesafb as well
as using vesafb-tng and both fails.

With VGA=7xx passed, I get splash but Freevo won't come up. (and neither
will startx work) as it complains about not being able to find DISPLAY
and default to using fbdev. (On occations in which it does comes up it
doesn't stretch the display to fullscreen!)

Without the VGA=7xx line, then I don't get the splash screen at all but
freevo will start with no issues.

So.. what is the middle ground and how can I solve this? does anyone

Appreciate a reply. Thanks

Ow Mun Heng
Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 
98% Microsoft(tm) Free!! 
Neuromancer 03:47:15 up 1 day, 18:27, 7 users, load average: 0.83, 0.52,

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