On 5/13/05, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gentoo doesn't ask you what to install anything on. you install 
> Gentoo
> on the partition of your choice. You can, in practice, install 
> Gentoo on any partition type supported by the installation kernel 
> and run it from any partition type supported by your custom 
> kernel.
> Hope this helps,
> Mark

when you say that Gentoo installs on the partition of my choice, how
does that happen: with a gui, drop-down menu or what?  I don't mind
formating the fat32/vfat partition to ext3 (or whatever gentoo uses). 
My primary concern is losing data on the fedora partition, secondary
concern being some sort of snafu with grub or similar, although that's
a fairly minor fix.



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