On May 23, 2005, at 9:17 am, Marko Kocic wrote:

I have Fujitsu Siemens Amilo A7600 laptop.
I have problem when booting in console mode. Only central part of my
monitor is used.

This means this that the resolution being displayed is less than that your TFT. I've recently acquired an IBM Stinkpad & have experienced the same thing.

If you were to display a 800 x 600 desktop (or console) on a CRT display, then it stretches to fit the screen perfectly; because the CRT is analogue and the dot-pitch is very fine indeed there is no significant distortion from "stretching" the image. A TFT displays optimally at a 1:1 pixel ratio - if you stretch an 800 x 600 image to fit a 1024 x 768 display the image will be very poor, as it's not possible to scale pixels cleanly to 120% of their original size on a TFT. In this case a black pixel next to a white pixel might be scaled to something like three pixels: one black, one white and a grey one in the middle. This causes blurring & stuff, so many TFT monitors will simply display the low-res output from the video card in the middle part of the screen with a black border around it.

If you knew this already, then my apologies, but your statement could have been better expressed: "my video card's output resolution is much lower than that of my TFT monitor"

I tried adding
append="vesafb:mmtr:ywrap,[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to lilo.conf, and also
played with different vga="xxx" settings but with no luck.
I'm using vanilla 2.6.12-rc4 kernel. My laptops TFT is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I take it you're not using vesafb-tng in the kernel configuration options? In GRUB that requires the framebufer to be defined as "video=", like so: kernel /bzImage-2.6.11-gentoo-r3 root=/dev/hda4 video=vesafb:ywrap,1024x768

The old vesa framebuffer is more mature, I think, and you might well find that it works more smoothly for you out of the box. But I think it'll also be depreciated in the future. I think that in any case you will also need the option for "framebuffer console" compiled in.

On my system:
        $ grep -ie vesa -ie framebuffer /usr/src/linux/.config
        # CONFIG_FB_VESA_STD is not set

Has anyone succeeded in getting whole screen available after booting
into console?

Yes, although it took me a couple of kernel recompiles & I haven't yet got X working again. :/ On my system I needed to compile support for my video card in as a module before it would do so.

        $ grep -ie savage /usr/src/linux/.config
        # CONFIG_I2C_PROSAVAGE is not set
        # CONFIG_I2C_SAVAGE4 is not set
        # CONFIG_FB_SAVAGE_I2C is not set
        # CONFIG_FB_SAVAGE_ACCEL is not set

I found this advice in a forums thread by Googling for something like "T20 thinkpad vesa-tng" The important thing for you is to use `lspci` to check out what video card you have in your laptop, then Google for that.

Btw, when I boot from livecd 2004.3, I get whole display available in
console. Also, when I start X I get the whole screen.

Good. This means that getting it all working right is achievable, and that your hardware is supported. When you've booted to the liveCD, try taking a look at `dmesg`. I use `dmesg | less`, then search for the lines beginning with "vesafb" - along with a few lines before & after, I found those quite informative.

You can find the kernel parameters used on the liveCD by running `dmesg | grep command`, and I think you can also get the kernel config from the liveCD, too, but I don't know how and anyway, you don't learn so much that way. ;P


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