On Friday 27 May 2005 01:07, Holly Bostick wrote:
> Jason Stubbs schreef:
> > On Thursday 26 May 2005 23:36, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> >>On Thu, 26 May 2005 16:24:28 +0200, Holly Bostick wrote:
> >>>Now of course I know that Portage depends on Python, and I certainly
> >>>don't want to mess up Portage, so how do I get rid of this version of
> >>>Python (or how do I recover if there's no way to get rid of it without
> >>>breaking anything)?
> >>
> >>Portage depends on Python 2.3, unmerging that and leaving 2.4 could break
> >>things, the other way round shouldn't.
> >
> > Portage works with >=python-2.2. Unmerging either 2.3 or 2.4 should not
> > cause any troubles with portage at all as the libraries and scripts live
> > outside the python directories.
> OK, that's reassuring-- but what still concerns me a bit is that when I
> request to unmerge a specific version of Python, Portage:
> 1) does not confirm (before getting hysterical) the version I am unmerging;

--pretend or --ask as per usual.

> 2) gets all hysterical as if I am uninstalling a mission-critical
> application -- which it "knows" I am not, because the original ebuild
> was not only installed to a new slot, but also gave me a statement that
> my original Python was being retained for compatibility, etc, etc.

$ grep python /usr/portage/profiles/base/packages

Portage checks the package you are about to unmerge against the list of 
"system" packages and then warns if it matches. Slots aren't taken into 
account at all but probably should be.

Jason Stubbs

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