On Sun, 29 May 2005 21:52:42 +0100
Kevin Philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been using a 2.6.7 kernel for months quite happily. Recently I
> decided to upgrade to 2.6.11-r9 but I am having problems. When booting
> it stalls with
> VFS: Cannot open root device "2105" or unknown block
> Googling around I can see its a common problem and I have tried the
> following without success:
> 1. Disable devfs
> 2. Checked I have via sata in the kernel (via sata board with sata hard drive)
> 3. Checked I have IDE enabled
> 4. Checked I have ext3 extensions the same as on 2.6.7 kernel
> 5. Check LILO is correct

Forgive the dumb questions  - when you mention the via sata modules and ext3 
system - these are not modules but really in the kernel - "*", selected?

And the VIA SATA is the one under the SCSI low-level drivers - SCSI_SATA_VIA?

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