"Patrick Marquetecken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Scanning of virusses, with clamav

If you are using sendmail, 

1) If the 'milter' USE flag is not set, set this and re-emerge sendmail

2) emerge >=app-antivirus/clamav-0.85.1

3) In /etc/conf.d/clamd, set 'START_MILTER="yes" and add '-l' to

4) Edit /etc/mail/sendmail.mc and add the line
INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clmilter', `S=local:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock,
F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl

5) Rebuild sendmail.cf by
   m4 < /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf

6) Restart clamd and sendmail
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