James wrote:

>Sorry about this post, as I'm desperate for suggestions as to where
>to get answers; hours of googling and noodling with ooffice leave 
>me with a simple problem, which just may be KDE related....that
>I cannot figure out? Maybe an upgrade of ooffice is needed?
>currently (1.1.4-r1) is installed via portage.
>The View-> toolbars selection usually puts any of the choices
>(function bar, text bar, object bar, main toolbar etc) into
>the header of the ooffice gui. However, the text object bar
>(or the object bar) displays in a popup menu (very annoying),
>for the last few days. On a winblowz system you just move it
>over the header section and it 'sucks' back into the header.
>However no matter what I do, I can  get it back into the
>header.... I'm not even sure what I did to move it (the popup
>of the object toolbar) from the header to a popup?
>Ideas or places to research this question are most appreciated...

Looks like maybe you might need to use the "Ctrl" key to dock it back to
the toolbar...


Sorry I can't be more help...I upgraded to OOo 2.0 beta, and it works as
you would expect.


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