
I just updated a system, vi 'emerge -uD world'

The rc.conf file is now very short:

# /etc/rc.conf: Global startup script configuration settings
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/rc.conf,v
 2005/02/10 01
:11:52 vapier Exp $

# UNICODE specifies whether you want to have UNICODE support in the console.
# If you set to yes, please make sure to set a UNICODE aware CONSOLEFONT and
# KEYMAP in the /etc/conf.d/consolefont and /etc/conf.d/keymaps config files.


# Set EDITOR to your preferred editor.
# You may use something other than what is listed here.


# What display manager do you use ?  [ xdm | gdm | kdm | entrance ]

# XSESSION is a new variable to control what window manager to start
# default with X if run with xdm, startx or xinit.  The default behavior
# is to look in /etc/X11/Sessions/ and run the script in matching the
# value that XSESSION is set to.  The support scripts are smart enough to
# look in all bin directories if it cant find a match in /etc/X11/Sessions/,
# so setting it to "enlightenment" can also work.  This is basically used
# as a way for the system admin to configure a default system wide WM,
# allthough it will work if the user export XSESSION in his .bash_profile, etc.
# NOTE:  1) this behaviour is overridden when a ~/.xinitrc exists, and startx
#           is called.
#        2) even if ~/.xsession exists, if XSESSION can be resolved, it will
#           be executed rather than ~/.xsession, else KDM breaks ...
# Defaults depending on what you install currently include:
# Gnome - will start gnome-session
# kde-<version> - will start startkde (ex: kde-3.0.2)
# Xsession - will start a terminal and a few other nice apps


This is the new rc.conf file I was given, I only changed the
Lots of stuff, like the protoocols are missing? Why?

I kept an old copy but, what gives with this new, shorter
version of rc.conf? Is it because the previous configuration
information has moved to other config files? Did I do
something wrong?  Or is this just an abboration?

None of my 5 other Gentoo sytems have this problem.....



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