To answer several questions from several people:
1) I thought java 1.5 wasn't there because it was not found by
    emerge -s java
    emerge -s jre
    emerge -s blackdown

    At that point I just figured it wasn't there.  I'm glad to discover
    I was wrong.

2) I'm not so much itching to use the features, as I am required
    to teach them.  But the significant ones seem to be
    - Scanner class which smooths one of the major bumps for
      beginning Java programmers: how to do input without learning
      the whole language first.
    - Autoboxing which allows a looser typing of functionally similar
      entities (the primitives and their wrapper classes).
    - Generics (type-safe containers) (not really an intro topic, but
      I'll be teaching a second course too).
    - True enum
    - C-style printf, and varargs (yayyyy!)

++ kevin
    - Iterator for-loop 

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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