
I've been running a little scriptlet to test whether I could get mail
sent to my ISP inbox. The full script runs esync and glsa-check, but
naturally I didn't want to sync 700 times, so I just ran the glsa-check

To my surprise, I had an open GLSA (I just fixed everything a couple of
days ago), namely 200506-01, in binutils and elfutils (I don't have

Hmm, buffer overflow error, sounds bad. All right, but I updated
binutils earlier today, and usually when one does that it's supposed to
plug the hole, right? So I investigated further.

Here's the GLSA:

glsa-check --dump 200506-01
WARNING: This tool is completely new and not very tested, so it should
not be
used on production systems. It's mainly a test tool for the new GLSA release
and distribution system, it's functionality will later be merged into emerge
and equery.
Please read http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/portage/glsa-integration.xml
before using this tool AND before reporting a bug.

            GLSA 200506-01:
Binutils, elfutils: Buffer overflow
Synopsis:          Various utilities from the GNU Binutils and elfutils
                   packages are vulnerable to a heap based buffer overflow,
                   potentially resulting in the execution of arbitrary code.
Announced on:      June 01, 2005
Last revised on:   June 01, 2005: 01

Affected package:  sys-devel/binutils
Affected archs:    All
Vulnerable:        <2.16-r1
Unaffected:        >=~ >=~
>=~ >=~ >=~ >=2.16-r1

... which if you look at it, is rather contradictory, since all versions
less than 2.16-r1 are vulnerable, but it appears that every version
>2.14.90.whatever are unaffected.... but fine.

Here's what I've got on the system:

eix binutils

* sys-devel/binutils
     Available versions:  *2.14 *2.15
* * * * * *~2.16-r1 *~2.16.1 *
     Installed:  2.16-r1 2.16.1
     Homepage:            http://sources.redhat.com/binutils/
     Description:         Tools necessary to build programs

Now why the hell I've got 4 versions of binutils installed I don't know,
but it would seem that I am likely affected, so I proceeded to fix the glsa:

glsa-check --fix 200506-01
WARNING: This tool is completely new and not very tested, so it should
not be
used on production systems. It's mainly a test tool for the new GLSA release
and distribution system, it's functionality will later be merged into emerge
and equery.
Please read http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/portage/glsa-integration.xml
before using this tool AND before reporting a bug.

fixing 200506-01
>>> merging sys-devel/binutils-2.16-r1

and so binutils-2.16-r1 was re-emerged. Fine. I ran the script again (I
was originally testing my mta, remember?), expecting to get a mail
saying that I had no open GLSA vulnerablilities, but... the mail said
that I was vulnerable to 200506-01.

Right, I thought, I've got 4 versions of binutils, maybe it's another one.

Well, it wasn't. I've run this GLSA scriptlet 3 times, gotten the same
mail, and run glsa-check --pretend 200506-01 several times. All this
GLSA will do to apply itself is to re-emerge the same version of
binutils, which apparently doesn't fix the problem, because it still
claims I'm affected by it. Which I may well be.

So my questions are:

1) Am I supposed to have 4 versions of binutils in the first place?

2) How do I get this GLSA to actually apply, or know that it's applied,
or whatever?

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