On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 09:24 +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Wed, June 29, 2005 5:08 am, Ow Mun Heng said:
> >> I do, however, intend to test rdiff-backup later. ;)
> >
> > Well.. there is more than one way to skin the cat eh.
> >
> > I still think you should take a look at rsync.
> rdiff-backup uses librsync, so it only transfers the minimum necessary.

I do agree that rdiff-backup would be easier on the disk space. But my
current practice is to sync all the changes into a tree that rotates
every 7 days. (using the day before as a seed)

This way, if bad things happen, I don't have to do the find full backup
and apply the incrementals.

> Unlike rsync, it allows you to easily roll back to an older version of
> file. Very useful when you realise you have screwed your configs just
> after a backup run.

BTW, librsync = rsync protocol/algo? Same thing?

Please explain the roll back. it should be the same as with rsync No?

Ow Mun Heng
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