On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 04:57:28PM +1200, Glenn Enright wrote:
> > I logged in via ssh from another system and ran 'telinit 3' to try to
> > shutdown the X server. This had no effect - 'who -r' continued to
> > report runlevel 5.
> The default gentoo runlevel is 3. Unless youve changed that then doing 
> telinit 
> 3 is largely pointless. What runlevel was the system that you ssh'ed from 
> running at? Was that a gentoo system?

Gentoo doesn't seem to have defined a standard way of maintaining different
runlevels, so I have used the convention commonly used elsewhere:
  # runlevel 0  is  System halt   (Do not use this for initdefault!)
  # runlevel 1  is  Single user mode
  # runlevel 2  is  Local multiuser without remote network (e.g. NFS)
  # runlevel 3  is  Full multiuser with network
  # runlevel 4  is  Not used
  # runlevel 5  is  Full multiuser with network and xdm
  # runlevel 6  is  System reboot (Do not use this for initdefault!)
with default left as runlevel 3.

Thus after verifying that everything is ok after initial boot to
runlevel 3, I can run telinit 5 to start the X server. 

The system I ssh'd from was a BSD/OS system at runlevel 5.

> > I then ran 'halt' as root to attempt a reboot, and this
> > also had no effect. The system carried on as though nothing had happened,
> > except with no console.
> Did you try to Ctrl-Alt-F7 to get back to the X server?

That is what didn't work, leading to the need for the ssh session in order
to issue commands...

> > Repeated attempts to halt or 'kill -9' the X server had no effect, so
> > I pressed the button, which had the desired effect.
> The proper way to shutdown from the console is to run
>       "/sbin/shutdown -r now"
> Obviously you need to be working as root. or press Ctrl-Alt-Del

Agian, console wasn't working so I had done this from a root shell
in the SSH sesion. ('/sbin/shutdown -r now' is just a wrapper for
halt, so if halt doesn't work, no shutdown incantations are going
to do much...)

> did you try 
>       "/etc/init.d/xdm stop"
> This should stop the X session if you started it using the standard bootup 
> proccess.

That is what init does when switching to runlevel 3.

I am pretty sure that this is a result of a bug in the X server (another
reason not to start it in the default runlevel) which means that the
kernel can't shut it down - a problem that any process stuck in a driver
call, but there should be some way to halt the rest of the system so at
least the filesytems are unmounted cleanly etc.

Digby R. S. Tarvin                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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