On Mon, 2005-07-11 at 08:29 +0200, Charles Oertel wrote:
> Michael Sullivan wrote:
> >>You need to configure a sound daemon on the server to forward the sound 
> >>over the network to another sound daemon on the client.
> >>Zac
> > 
> > Does anyone have a link to a HowTo for that?  
> I did that just the other day.  Actually, you do it like this:
> On your wife's PC, you run the esound daemon
> http://www.tux.org/~ricdude/EsounD.html
> On the server (where her gnome session runs, set the sound configuration 
> to use esd, and set the IP of the esd server to be the IP of your wife's 
> machine).
> BTW.:  You don't need to be in runlevel 3 to do the remote X thing. 
>  From a terminal in the GUI running on RH, run
> #X :1.0 -query <IP of Remote Box>
> This will put an X login on <alt><F8>, and have the local X running on 
> <alt><F7>
> -- 
> regards
> --
> Charles Oertel
> FineBushPeople.net
> tel: 021 701 8231
> fax: 021 701 3338
> -=-=-
> ... Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember, it didn't 
> help the rabbit. -- R.E. Shay

Here's the problem:  There is a sound card on baby.  When someone logs
in locally on baby I want baby's sound card and speakers to be used, but
when someone logs in remotely from blossom I want blossom's sound card
and speakers to be used...

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