> I did not see what determines what (during a 24 hour
> period) controls the time the internal rsync mirror
> goes out to  update the files? Obviously I only
> want the rsync internal server to update once a day.

Following that document means that you are exporting the /usr/portage
directory on the local box for your internal servers.

This has some implications:

1. the /usr/portage directory is not updated by this process.  You still
need to emerge --sync the local system.  This is QED by a cron task.

2. This only syncs up the /usr/portage tree but does not help reduce the
number of distfiles downloads.  Look at http://gentoo-wiki.com/Http_proxy
and http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Download_Cache_for_LAN-Http-Replicator for
instructions there.  By using the http-replicator you only will be
downloading distfiles/patch files once.

3. There is no additional disk space requirements for the rsync mirror;
you're serving up your existing /usr/portage directory so it's not like you
wouldn't have those files around anyway.

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