What sort of a problem with /dev/dsp?
You can't use /dev/dsp when arts (KDE sound daemon) is active.
Either try artsdsp [-m] or wait till arts is suspended.

> - KDE now start ok
> - /dev/null on reboot is now crw-rw-rw, which is ok
> - /de/vdsp on reboot is now crw-rw-rw
> - konsole now works
> There are two remaining problems
> - Sound, whenever kde starts I get an error with /dev/dsp. Is it work
> changing the owner from root:audio to <user>:audio?
> - Kmail keeps crashing, and whilst showing mail subjects ok will not
> show the mail bodies.
> All fun and games!
> Simon
> On Mon, 2005-07-11 at 16:37 +0000, James wrote:
>>Simon Windsor <simon.windsor <at> cornfield.org.uk> writes:
>>>I have just built KDE, version 3.4.1, and it is not starting properly.
>>>I have 
>>>- disabled IP6 tests - it now faster to start
>>>- chmod 666 /dev/null allows kdm to start, otherwise startkde reports
>>>- chmod 660 /dev/dsp to grant access to users in audio group
>>>After all this, kde starts, but I still get errors with /dev/dsp.
>>Well, I'm not sure of your KDE versus /dev/dsp issues, so I'll 
>>remind you about  checking rc.conf. It change a while back, but
>>mine still has these settings:
>>The system boots into KDE just fine. I'm not sure if the SESSION
>>setting in rc.conf is deprecated now or not....
>>Before running 'env-update && source /etc/profile && etc-update'
>>I look at the proposed list of updates to config files that
>>etc-update wants to perform. If I have a question about the
>>files to be updated, I make a backup of the file with the current
>>date appended. That way, you can recover config files
>>or look at them over time to see how they have changed.
>>/etc/rc.conf is a good example....

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