Dmitry S. Makovey wrote:

>finally I've got to optimum (in my opinion) combination:
>title  Gentoo linux (update)
> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.12-gentoo-r4 real_root=/dev/hda11 
>video=vesafb:[EMAIL PROTECTED] splash=verbose

You should also change "real_root=" to just "root=".

>But I've got new problem - for some reason KDE (3.4.1) now hangs after 
>login doing "initialize peripherals" or something like that... and it 
>happens only when I switch to 2.6.12, weird... anybody seen symptoms 
>like that? First time since I've switched to 2.6.x kernels I've got 
>so many issues with simple kernel upgrade, is there something going 
>on I should be aware of?

Have not seen this.  Might be related to DBUS or HAL support though.  Do
you get anything odd in ~/.xsession-errors?  FYI, some scary looking
messages in that file are completely normal!

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