As you may have heard, I've upgraded Firefox twice in the last two days
(could have been three times, but I skipped one update).

I'm compiling it, not using the bins.

Well, somewhere between 1.0.5 (where I started) and 1.0.6-r2 (where I
ended up) the folder in /usr/lib changed from




Same thing happened with Thunderbird (MozillaThunderbird to

Now, everything works (that's not the problem), and I know that
mozilla-firefox is the folder being used (because I backed up my
searchplugins folder before upgrading, and moved it back to
mozilla-firefox before opening the upgraded firefox, and all my search
engine plugins are now being shown).

But am I supposed to have both folders? Shouldn't one of them (the old
one) have been deleted when the previous versions of Firefox (and
Thunderbird) were removed? Or are they still used for some reason (and
if so, then why do I have to have a new folder)?

Seems to me that something's a bit wonky somewhere, but thought I'd
check here to see if

1) anybody else is seeing this

2) anybody knows a reason this configuration makes sense/is valid

before posting a bug.

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