I've had this problem for a while now but it's finally driven me mad.

I have a directory with some local mercurial repos.  I'm the only user
who touches these repos.

Things will go fine for a while, and suddenly I'll do a commit and then
hg will die with 

abort: Permission denied:

on one of the ./hg/* files.  When I look at the file I'll find it's
owned by 1000:messagebus.  So I'm too busy to investigate so I just
"sudo chown -R $USER:users ~/path/to/repo" and go along my way... then
the next day—or whenever—the same thing happens again!

It's weird because I don't have a user with uid=1000 in /etc/passwd, but
messagebus has a gid=1000.  Also the seems to only happen to the two Hg
repos I am working on.

The last time this happened (just now), the mtime on the file is 18
June.  The ctime is 19 June (the fs is mounted with noatime).  The last
time I did the chown thing was on the 20th (so the ctime kinda doesn't
make sense, if I understand correctly), so could this possibly be a bug
in the fs (ext4)?

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