My cousin in England wants to try out Linux & has an Ubuntu Live CD.
To help her, I've installed the same on a separate partition in my box.
The partition is  /dev/sda8  & is formatted ReiserFS.
I use Lilo as boot manager & don't want to change to Grub
just to offer temporary help to someone,
so I refused to let the Ubuntu installer overwrite my MBR,
hoping to get Lilo to see Ubuntu via an appropriate 'lilo.conf'.
I've managed to get Lilo to add Ubuntu to the boot menu,
but only by mounting  /dev/sda8  as  /z/mount8  & using the line

  image = /z/mount8/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic

However, when I reboot & select that image via its label,
I'm getting the hoary old 'VFS: can't open root device "808"'.
I've tried adding a dir  /z/mount8  in the Ubuntu partition
with a symlink of 'boot' to '../../boot' there, but it doesn't help.
This does look rather messy, but I just want to be able to boot Ubuntu
in order to advise my cousin when she starts using her version.

Is anyone successfully dual-booting Linux distros using Lilo ?
Might it be ReiserFS ? -- should I re-install Ubuntu with another FS ?

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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