On 26 July 2010 11:54, William Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Fixed it - was grub after all - it renumbered my drives (0 and 1
> swapped :(
> Complicated because this was one of the early sata boards with a fake
> raid chip to handle the sata while the old IDE drives were on the normal
> bus.
> Further complicated by the bios and raidchip changing drive assignments
> depending on which drive/cd/floppy you booted from (i.e., what grub sees
> as the drive numbers changes when the real OS is booted).  I forgot what
> hoops I had to jump through to get this going originally.
> Might be time for a new setup - amd athlon 2500+ are not so cool these
> days :)

Glad you got it working!  Another gotcha is when you disable the
deprecated CONFIG_IDE in the kernel and you don't update your
grub.conf and /etc/fstab to rename /dev/hda's into /dev/sda's.

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