On 07/28/2010 05:44 AM, sam new wrote:
Hi All,
        As we know, HAL is not used by Xorg for output devices or any
other devices,so I want to remove it completely,I set USE="-hal" in
/etc/make.conf ,and recompile  the packages, and also modify
/etc/conf.d/xdm with NEED_HALD="no" ,exec rc-update del hal default
.All things goes well ,yesterday,I use emerge to update my world ,in the
list still has a hal package, I don't know why system sitll emerge hal?
maybe dependence ,but I use 'equery d hal' and  check packages which
depend HAL ,have no idea ,any Suggestions?

You can not remove HAL if something needs it.

And why do you want to remove it in the first place? It's not gonna eat your cat.

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