On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 08:47:48PM -0400, Albert Hopkins wrote

> https://bitbucket.org/marduk/virtual-appliance
> The Makefile pretty much does an install into a chroot, pretty much by
> the handbook, with a few alterations where I saw fit.  It hast some
> variables and a couple of hooks to allow for customization.  I've
> already created a few appliances (included) such as:
> base: A base install of Gentoo Linux
> gnome: GNOME stable appliance (no GUI console)
> kde: KDE stable appliance (no GUI console)
> lodgeit: Lodgeit pastebin appliance[1]
> teamplayer: TeamPlayer appliance

  Do you know of any active end-user mailing lists or forums for
QEMU-KVM?  I've found a few forums that seem to have a post every other
month.  There's a developers' mailing list, but I don't see one for end
users.  I got into QEMU-KVM "appliances" by accident...

- old PC started dying on me

- I backed up the data to an even older PC, and got a shiny new one,
  with 8 gigs of ram, wheeeeeeee

- I installed pure 64-bit Gentoo *WITHOUT* 32-bit support

- and discovered that WINE will not install on a system without 32-bit
  support (that's my version of "oops programing"; nothing to do with
  object orientation)

- I play around a lot with 4NEC2, a Windows-only antenna modelling app
  that runs nicely under WINE

- to avoid a wipe and re-install on my main system, I created a small
  32-bit Gentoo guest inside QEMU-KVM, which allowed me to install WINE
  and 4NEC2

  I did have to do quite a bit of trial-and-error before I got the thing
working, and I'll probably re-do, so I can do it right this time.  An
active QEMU-KVM mailing list or forum would be helpful.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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