Hi,everybody, I got a very very strange problems.

I have install gnome, and when I try to add xdm to default runlevel, use
command "rc-update add xdm default", it is normal

and output of rc-update show is right

but when I restart computer, the xdm doesn't auto start, when I log in the
system, and exec "/etc/init.d/xdm start", it is started normally

There is no any information about xdm when the system starting......It is
very strange...Could somebody help me...

And NetworkManager and alsasound have the same problem.....

here is the ouput of rc-update show:

               procfs |                                   boot
              modules |                                   boot
                local |          nonetwork                     default
               net.lo |                                   boot
            alsasound |                                   boot
                  xdm |                                        default
                 swap |                                   boot
                 udev |                    sysinit
            savecache | shutdown
             mount-ro | shutdown
         termencoding |                                   boot
             netmount |                                        default
                dmesg |                    sysinit
           consolekit |                                        default
                devfs |                    sysinit
                 root |                                   boot
              urandom |                                   boot
       udev-postmount |                                        default
          consolefont |                                   boot
             hostname |                                   boot
       NetworkManager |                                        default
           vixie-cron |                                        default
                 fsck |                                   boot
            syslog-ng |                                        default
               sysctl |                                   boot
                 mtab |                                   boot
             bootmisc |                                   boot
            killprocs | shutdown
           localmount |                                   boot
              hwclock |                                   boot
              keymaps |                                   boot

And I am using operc-0.6.1-r1 and baselayout-2.0.1

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