On 2010-09-06, Allan Gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> writes:
>> For a given height, a 16:9 display is 30% wider.  I want nice tall
>> display (prefereably at least 9-10") without having to increase the
>> width beyond what a standard "laptop" style keyboard takes up (about
>> 12-13 inches).
> It is certainly true that, if the height of the display is the key
> factor and hence fixed, a wider screen will add more inches (I again
> assume square pixels).
> However, those extra inches and resulting extra pixels are far from
> useless.

I'm not saying that a wide display is useless.  When it comes to
desktop displays bigger is always better (in either axis).

I'm saying I don't want to have to haul around a laptop thats 18" wide
so that I can have a display that's tall enough to comfortably edit
code on.

> I believe you are selling "two up" short.

No, I'm not.  Two up is great on a desktop, where the extra width and
weight aren't a penalty.

> When I am preparing a course, I have the html up in one (emacs)
> window and the resulting web page in another (firefox) window
> immediately to its right.  Heck I very much use and enjoy 3-up on my
> large (30" 2560x1600) monitor.

We're talking about laptops.  How would you like hauling around a 30"
wide laptop?


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