
 I got some strange problems while trying to setup a EXSYS EX44092
 PCIe to RS232 adapter card.

 What I did:
 Start minicom, setup the serial parameters (115200 8N1) as described
 in the manual for the embedded system I want to connect to and reset
 the embedded board. 

 Minicom prints a sequence of "."'s on the screen - thats it. I know
 that this embedded board is working, though.

 Next -- while minicom was running -- I used setserial to get the
 current settings of the serial interface. The baudrate was spd_normal
 despite the fact I had instructed minicom to set it to spd_vhi
 (115200 baud). Since setserial does not say anything about
 8N1/7N2/... parities I couldnt check this.

 At last I straced minicom but I didn't found anything suspicious...

 EXSYS claims, that this card would work under Linux (supported by
 drivers which are already part of the kernel sources...

 What did I wrong here? Why does this setup now work?

 Thank you very much for any help in advance!

 Best regards

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