On 10/06/2010 09:58 PM, Dale wrote:
Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
The list of spell-check languages offered by Firefox and Thunderbird
looks like this:

English (AU)
English (CA)
English (GB)
English (GB-oed)
English (NZ)
English (US)
English (ZA)
German (DE)
Greek (GR)

All this English stuff needs to do away, I only want English (US). Is
there a way to do that?

I have this set in my make.conf.

LINGUAS="en_US en"

Do you have something close to this as well? I can't think of anything
else at the moment. Maybe someone else will post a different idea.

No, that's not it. I have LINGUAS="en_US en" in my make.conf too. I found out that Firefox now uses hunspell for spell checking. Maybe that has something to do with it. So I guess the question now should be how to tell hunspell to only offer the US-English dictionary.

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