On 7 October 2010 10:37, Stroller <strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm interested in the activity of an application which is running on my LAN, 
> and was wondering if anyone could offer some quick pointers on the best tools 
> for this these days. I've played with this some years ago, but only very 
> superficially - I think I used wireshark back then.
> Ideally what I want to do is capture a big dump of the traffic over a couple 
> of minutes (so it shouldn't be that much, right?) into a file and then 
> analyse it afterwards based on destination IP, content &c. A couple of 
> minutes should allow completion of at least 2 or 3 separate interactions with 
> the server.
> The network is mine, as is the device from which I'm capturing the data. I 
> have a Belkin F5D7010 wifi card, which I think is based on a RaLink rt2x00 
> (rt2400 / rt2500) chipset, and I have my network's WPA key, so I think I can 
> just set the wifi card in passive mode for sniffing. I'm pretty sure I 
> experimented with this card in passive mode before, some years ago. 
> Alternatively, I think I can plug the wifi access-point into my PC, bridge it 
> to a second wired NIC and sniff what's going across the bridge (but I don't 
> think this should be necessary).
> What I'm expecting to see is some image, audio & html files &/or xml data 
> transferred, and ideally I'd like to be able to extract it all and view it in 
> its original format.
> There's likely to be some inevitable other activity on the wLAN whilst this 
> is happening - I'll try to minimise this, but I think the tools should be 
> able filter out any crap I'm not interested in, right?
> I'd prefer as much as possible to use CLI tools for capturing / analysing the 
> data.

By passive I assume you mean promiscuous?

Since you prefer CLI you can use tcpdump and tcpflow.  tcpdump will
place your card in promiscuous mode - if you only want to see what's
addressed to your machine use the -p switch.  To avoid truncating the
packets increase the size of the packets captured e.g. -s 65535 and
also add some detail -XX to see the payload.  Altogether something
like this should work:

tcpdump -i wlan0 -e -l -U -vvv -s 65535 -w tcpdump_cap.txt -XX
(switch -w for -r to read what you've captured).

You can use the -T <protocol> option to only capture/read a particular
protocol.  I rarely specify this.

tcpflow -i wlan0 -c -p -s -v

With tcpflow you can specify the protocol (e.g. proto arp) to capture
only particular packets as well.

Hope this helps.

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