On Thursday 28 October 2010 13:35:49 Alan McKinnon wrote:

> xorg-server 1.8 and 1.9 use mesa-7.8.2, and there's reports around
> that that version of mesa causes desktop slowdowns. mesa-7.7.1 as
> used by xorg- server-1.7 is reported to be fine

This box has been the most sluggish box I've ever seen for several 
months now. Mesa-7.7.1 was not fine here - or something else wasn't.
> Me, I'm undecided. I have a slow sluggish desktop, but it might be
> the nvidia drivers, mesa, X-server, kernel config, wrong elevator or
> even just the shitty IO scheduler design on desktops that the kernel
> devs are recently waking up to admitting to. Lots of stuff to change
> one at a time and see what results...

Puzzling, innit?

Peter.          Linux Counter 5290, 1994-04-23.

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