On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 01:41:45PM +0000, Stroller wrote

> It's probably fixed in one of the updates! Why are you posting before
> you checked that!?!?

  It started happening suddenly  And yes, I did search bugzilla,
although I admit my searches aren't always perfect.  And if "emerge
--sync"  output ends up telling me there is a portage update, I do run
it first.

> > The main quirk on my mcahines is that I start USE with "-*" on all my
> > machines.  This goes back to when the developers "in their infinite
> > wisdom", decided to make ipv6 a default USE flag.
> Why not just use -ipv6 as a global USE flag!?!? 
> I have to admit that the Gentoo devs have in the past made decisions
> which have caused me to be suspicious of their sanity. But if I
> disagree with them over a USE flag I just add it to make.conf.

  Because I don't want a repeat of the ipv6 fiasco where I had an almost
non-functional browser, mediaplayer (for internet files), etc, etc.  And
I also had to run "emerge --newuse --update world" and inspect the
output from "emerge -pv --depclean" and remove additional stuff, and
then revdep-rebuild to clean up the resulting extra "goodies".  If I
don't use "-*" what's the next flag that the devs will add?  And how many
of my current packages will link against it?

  On occasion, "emerge -pv --deep --update world" will complain that a
certain USE flag is required for my config.  At that time, I will decide
if I really want the package that requires the flag, and if so, whether
to enable the flag globally or one-off in /etc/package.use

  OK, so I'm a control freak.  That's one reason I left Windows.  I want
to be in charge of my machine.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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