On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 22:02:10 +0000 (UTC), Grant Edwards wrote:

> I thought about using a customized systemrescuecd, but that takes ages
> to boot (almost 5 minutes).  This CD is intended as something a
> customer can run to do a quick hardware test, and making them sit
> there for 5 minutes to see a 5-second test just isn't going to fly.

It it actually booting all that time, or is it waiting for user input? I
doesn't take anything like that long to boot on my netbook, but I have
modified the USB install to set a keymap choice and a couple of other

> Does anybody have an recommendations for a good way to build a small
> liveCD with a custom kernel module?

Have you looked at Tiny Core Linux; 10MB, fast to boot and extensible.

Neil Bothwick

Deja Foobar: A feeling of having made the same mistake before.

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