Mick wrote:
On 10 December 2010 09:40, Keith Dart<ke...@dartworks.biz>  wrote:
=== On Fri, 12/10, Dale wrote: ===
I did this.  From smoker, I pinged google.  I got the IP address from
that.  I then tried to ping google BY IP address on lightening.  It
gives me the error "ping: unknown host".

That's a different error. That is not a valid address.

So then, smoker is your router. But is your DSL modem also a router? Or
do you have PPPoE terminating in your smoker?

Your DSL modem is probably a router with NAT. It will need a static IP
address back to your other network, next hop being smoker.

Better would be to get a hub and connect all hosts (including modem, to
As Keith says the easiest thing would be to go buy yourself a better
ADSL router (because I suspect that you are running some cheap
half-bridged ISP router) which will act as your ADSL modem, NAT
router, DNS repeater, and LAN firewall, all-in-one.  You should be
able to pick up a cheap cisco or netvanta from ebay.

However, you ain't going to learn much network-wise if you do that.
So, instead you may want to run something like this on smoker (check
man iptables for details):

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

Using the man pages you can add --match<parameters>  to only allow
your lightning box to be processed and anything else dropped.

You will also need to set an additional subnet for your LAN (between
your smoker and lightning boxen).

So all together it could look like this:


NIC eth2

ip: 192.168.1.X
Netmask :
gateway: (that's your ADSL router's IP address)

for DNS use your ADSL router's IP address (if it acts as a local
resolver) or your ISP's DNS server address, or OpenDNS ip addresses
(google for it).

Then you need to set up your second smoker NIC like this:

NIC eth0

ip: 192.168.2.X  (different subnet than your DSL network)
Netmask :
gateway: (also your ADSL router's IP address)

Finally, on your lightning box you need this:

NIC ethX

ip: 192.168.2.XX (same subnet as your eth0 NIC on smoker, but
different IP of course)
Netmask :
gateway: 192.168.2.X  (same as the IP of your eth0 NIC on smoker)

for DNS set up /etc/resolv.conf on lightning the same as for smoker above.

The above should hopefully work.

OK. I had a LONG day yesterday. I took a nap. I was getting a little goofy here. Before I try all this, what is the best way to "undo" everything I have done with this so far? I ask because I have tried two scripts and I don't know what all has been changed and what state things are in.

I also noticed this. When I have lightening hooked to smoker and smoker hooked to the modem, I can't get to the internet until I restart eth2 which is what connects smoker to the modem. It acts like it is trying to use eth0 instead of eth2.

The modem I have is a Motorola Netopia 2210-02. I took that info from the home page of the modem. Just looking at it, it's the little silver colored thing and I did pay almost $80.00 for that thing. It also says it has a DNS server and it is on.



:-)  :-)

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