On Tuesday 11 January 2011 23:40:55 Mark Knecht wrote:

> I found the nox keyword searching in Google but couldn't figure out how
> to use it correctly. It does exactly what I was looking for.

I define a separate run-level for no-x*, which doesn't contain xdm and 
also omits various other things that are only needed when running an X 
session (lm_sensors, vboxdrv, alsasound, ...). Then I put a separate 
entry into grub.conf for it and select it at boot time.

It doesn't get used very often, but when I need it nothing else will do. 
Very handy for, e.g., major upgrades of KDE, when I'd rather not carry 
on running old-KDE and risk starting a program thoughtlessly that might 
be either old-KDE or new-KDE.

Single-user mode won't do for this because I want the range of VTs to be 
available to do work in.

*  like this:
# mkdir /etc/runlevels/no-x
# rc-update add <package> no-x

Peter.          Linux Counter 5290, 1994-04-23.

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